In the Presbyterian Church, all members are called to ministry. We like to say that no role or member, in the church, is more important than any other, just that we serve different functions.
Setting the vision and navigating the direction of the church is the responsibility of the “Session.” The Session is made up of seven Ruling Elders (church members ordained to serve as leaders) and one Teaching Elder (our pastor), who are elected by the congregation to serve two year terms. As part of their service to the church, all elders serve on/guide one of our ministry teams.
If you are interested in getting involved at DHPC or have ideas about a particular area of ministry, you may reach out to our elders via the church office. They would welcome the chance to dream with you.
Current Ministry Team Leaders/Session Member:
Christian Education (Gigi Muirheid)
Finance (Betty McIntosh)
Mission (Anne Townsley)
Personnel (Pete McGuire)
Property and Administration (William Edmisten)
Worship (Bob Beard)
Clerk of Session: Eric Dusenbury
Treasurer: Linda Davis
Deacons: Susan Hagood, Marlene Slavich, Anne Soileau, Susan Rutherford